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A Mating Dance (Ashwood Falls) Page 4
A Mating Dance (Ashwood Falls) Read online
Page 4
“He had a meeting with Ma and Jared.” Dane downed the last of his beer and set the bottle in front of Cameron.
Blaine nodded. He didn’t ask why the wolf Alpha and her Marshal were meeting with the Pack lawyer, Jared. It was most likely a personal matter. And if it weren’t, Luna would let Blaine’s father know soon enough.
The wolves and leopards might live together as one Pack, but they still held high respect for each other’s personal affairs. Plus, Blaine fully trusted the Alpha wolf, or Mama Wolf, as many of the enforcers called her.
Blaine peered over at Graham and noticed a half-healed cut on his lip. Or was that a bite? Grinding his molars, he turned his head and found Cam’s gaze. She held his in challenge. So that was why she smelled so much like him.
He felt his lips twitch. So the mountain lion had made his move. Blaine would have to make his own soon.
The triad mating dance had begun.
Jasmine appeared with four more beers. “Hi, y’all. Will you be ordering anything to eat?”
They shook their heads, and she left them saying she’d be back with another round in a few. After she’d left, Blaine gave the short version of Graham’s step-kids and their father, leaving out Graham’s relationship with Isaac and their mother because that was his tale to tell. Plus Dane didn’t need to know.
“I’d like to go to Isaac’s house to look around.” Graham’s clear, deep voice broke through the chatter of the growing evening crowd. “At the time, I just thought he’d left.”
“Now you’re thinking that he might have left clues behind,” Cameron guessed, and Graham nodded.
It made sense. If Isaac was in trouble, he’d have left something. “I’ll go with you.”
Graham stiffened so slightly that Blaine would have missed it if he wasn’t so damn sensitive to the male’s energy. “I’d like to leave in the morning.” Graham paused then asked Cameron, “Can you look after Max? He had a nightmare last night and I…well, he seems to have attached himself to you.”
Cameron smiled. “Sure. I’ll watch him.”
Chapter 4
The next morning, Cameron knocked on Dani and Nevan’s door. The leopard Healer opened it within seconds and greeted her with a smile. Cameron smiled back and stepped inside. A squeal of delight met her ears, and she turned to the small voice that said, “Cam.”
Smiling so hard she thought her face might break, she set her overnight bag down and opened her arms to the toddler that ran at her like he hadn’t seen her in months. She scooped Max up and gave him a kiss on his cheek. “He does talk,” she teased and rubbed her nose against his.
Dani closed the door behind her. “He says a few words, but mostly to Graham, and now you. Nev and I just get grunts.”
Cameron laughed at her friend’s teasing tone and took in Max’s pajamas. They were blue with small red fire trucks scattered randomly over the fabric. “Are you hungry?”
Max nodded, and Cameron turned toward the kitchen. When she entered, she saw Blaine pouring coffee into a metal thermos. Blaine turned to her in an instant, stepped closer, and drew Cameron into a hug. Max placed his chubby hand on his chest and tried to push him away.
Blaine raised a brow at the little boy and gently lifted his hand. Terror filled Max’s eyes, making Cam want to turn away and hug him to take his fears away, but she knew with every fiber of her soul that Blaine would never harm the child, or any child for that matter.
Blaine pressed his lips to Max’s palm and blew raspberries into it. Max let out a burst of giggles, making them laugh.
Sammie came into the kitchen with a wide smile on her face. “What happened?”
Cameron told her what Blaine did, and she laughed then walked to the dining room table and sat. “Can I have some cereal?”
Nodding, Cameron opened the cabinet, which housed a couple of different types of cereals. Max pointed and said, “Marmellow.”
Smiling, she pulled the box of Lucky Charms out and showed it to Sammie. On her nod, Cameron grabbed two bowls from another cabinet and set Max on his feet. “Go ask Sammie to help you in your booster seat.”
He toddled over to the table and giggled again as his sister lifted him up and peppered his face with kisses. Cam’s chest grew tight at the affection between the siblings. Sammie’s love for her brother flowed out, touching everything in its path.
Strong warm arms wrapped around her from behind. Blaine kissed her ear, her jaw, and then her neck. “I have to go now. See you in two days.”
Turning in his arms, she kissed him hard and deep, taking in his scent. “I’ll be waiting,” she whispered when she pulled back.
Cameron’s gaze met Graham’s as he stepped into the dining room. Her heart did a quick thump thump when Blaine pressed his lips to her neck. Graham’s eyes dipped to watch Blaine kiss her, then rose back up to lock gazes with her.
Desire flooded her system, warming her to the core.
Damn. They were killing her. If there weren’t two children sitting at the table watching them, she’d return the sensual tease. She might even have dared Graham to join them.
Fucking Blaine and his idea of pursuing Graham. Now it was all she thought about.
Graham broke the eye contact first and kissed each of the kids on the forehead, telling them he would be back soon. Cameron twisted out of Blaine’s arms, poured the cereal and milk, and brought the bowls to the table, setting them in front of the kids. Max grunted and banged the spoon on the table. She grabbed his hand and shook her head. “You are a big boy. Eat with the spoon.” She turned the utensil so that he held it correctly and helped him scoop up a spoonful of cereal.
When he did it without help, she praised him. “That’s great. You are so smart.”
She looked over at Sammie, who was watching her with a grin. Cam smiled back, and Sammie took that as an invitation to ask, “Are you staying here while Papa is away?”
“Yep. Dani will be here. Your uncle will be staying next door with Travis while Shay and Josie come over. It’ll be like a slumber party.”
Sammie beamed. “I like Josie. She can shift into a white wolf. She said she’s only four, but I don’t believe that.”
“Believe it. She is four. Josie was very ill, and our wolf Alpha had to bring the change early to save her life.” Sammie frowned and looked at her cereal. Cam reached out and covered her hand. “It’s okay. Josie’s all right now.”
“I’d like to be her friend.”
“Josie would love that. She’s new to the den also.” Cameron reached over to correct Max’s spoon again and wiped milk from his chin before adding, “I’ll take both of you to the nursery after breakfast. That way you can meet some of the other children in the den.”
Sammie’s smile returned, and her face lit up as if excited at the thought of meeting other kids her age. “Really? That would be great.”
Later, Cameron finished tying Max’s shoes as a knock sounded on the door. Dani answered it with Sammie hot on her heels. Josie’s small voice echoed into the house as she greeted Sammie and drew the taller girl into a hug.
Cameron’s heart swelled when she saw Sammie smile and return the hug. Graham had to stay in Ashwood. It would be good for the kids. And that’s the only reason she wanted him to stay. Not because he intrigued her jaguar.
Standing, Cameron hugged Shay when she came to stand next to her. “Dani and I were going over to the nursery. Wanna come?”
Josie squealed in delight. “Please, Momma. Can we go?”
Cameron raised an eyebrow at Shay, and she teared up and said, “She asked me the other night if she could call me momma.” She peered down at Josie, who was now giving her stepmother sad eyes and a poked-out bottom lip. Shay released a dramatic sigh then smiled. “Of course we’re going.”
“Yay!” Josie linked her fingers with Sammie’s and tugged the girl out the door.
Dani laughed. “I guess she has a new friend.”
Cameron nodded. “I think you’re right.” She felt Max’s tiny h
and pat her on the thigh. When she looked down into his blue eyes, she saw worry. His brows were bunched together, and he kept peering warily at Shay then back at Cameron. He threw his hands up and said, “Up.”
Shaking her head, before he could start pouting, Cameron said “You can walk.” She offered him her ring finger and pinkie, and he wrapped his hand around them. “That’s my big boy.”
Max’s face brightened. Dani moved to stand on his other side and offered him her hand. His smile widened as he gripped her two middle fingers. Cameron met the Healer’s gaze. “You too?”
Dani shrugged. “He’s adorable. Last night while we watched TV he crawled in my lap and went to sleep.”
The poor little guy must have been exhausted. Dani had said he hadn’t slept well the night before, and Cameron doubted he’d slept much in captivity unless his sister held him. That made sense with how much he craved touches from her, Sammie, and apparently Dani.
Stepping out into the spring air, Cameron inhaled deeply, drawing in the scents of the dogwoods in full bloom. The walk to the nursery was pleasant and fun as Max jumped over every crack in the sidewalk while holding on to Cameron’s and Dani’s hands. He even laughed.
Something she hadn’t taken much time to do lately was have fun and actually use her days off to enjoy herself. After today, she decided she’d have to do it more often.
The nursery and school were housed inside a huge dome-shaped building set in the middle of about five acres of land with a few large trees scattered about. They continued along the sidewalk that led into the open courtyard. Max’s laughter faded, and his excitement shifted to nervousness. He wrapped an arm around Cameron’s leg when they were greeted by the head den mother, Rhea. With dark auburn hair that she always kept cut to shoulder length, honey-toned skin, and pale blue eyes, Rhea was beautiful to say the least.
Rhea smiled at the three of them then knelt down to be at Max’s level. “Who do we have here?” she cooed and reached out to him. He drew back from her and hid behind Cameron’s legs. Rhea frowned and stood, meeting Cameron’s gaze. “Touch-starved and afraid of everyone.”
The sorrow in the den mother’s voice tugged at Cameron’s heart. She nodded and peeled Max’s arms from her leg so she could pick him up. “I was the one who found them, and he seems to have attached himself to me.”
Dani ran a hand over Max’s head and down his back. He tensed at first but then relaxed, as if recognizing the Healer’s touch. “He’ll get plenty of love here,” she said and kissed the top of his head.
Shay nudged Cameron’s arm. “Sammie sure has a friend for life.”
Cameron felt her lips lift in a smile as she watched Josie lead Sammie around, introducing her to the other children in the activity area before tugging her toward the gym. It felt good to just hang out with her two best friends and the kids.
The familiar brush of Keegan’s power touched her awareness. As an enforcer, she had a direct link to the Alpha. It was both comforting and awkward. The power of the Alpha was the glue that kept the Pack together. Anytime one of the members needed comfort that the Beta or Empath couldn’t provide, Keegan was there to comfort or kick ass, whichever the situation called for. In Cameron’s case, it was the ass kicking she needed more times than comforting. The awkwardness came into play when Keegan pulled on the father-in-law hat.
She still wasn’t sure why it bothered her. Most females would kill to be mated to the Marshal and one day heir of the Pack. Cameron loved Blaine, but it was her jaguar that resisted. The damn cat just didn’t want to be tied to a male as dominating as Blaine. His pushiness and controlling nature was just too much at times. Besides, she’d failed him when she’d lost their child. He deserved so much better.
Max cried out, and she felt his weight lighten in her arms, bringing her out of her musings. She met Keegan’s amused gaze and narrowed her eyes. Damn telepath. “What are you doing? You’re making him cry.” She reached for the little boy as the Alpha settled the crying Max on his hip.
Keegan stepped back, out of her reach. “He’ll be fine in a moment. You can’t spoil children, Cameron.”
Cameron fisted her hands by her side. “No, Keegan. You love them.” She went to take a step forward but stopped when he lifted his hand.
He then turned to look at Max’s tear-streaked face. “Max, stop.”
Just like that, the crying turned into a sob then a hiccup as Max studied the Alpha. When Keegan started to walk off, Cameron called out, “Where are you going?”
Without looking back, he said, “Little man and I are late for story time.”
She huffed, not liking the empty feeling of her arms without Max. Damn. The kid had wiggled his way into her heart. Now she wasn’t sure if she’d ever be able to say goodbye to him if Graham decided not to stay in Ashwood Falls.
She turned back to her friends, who were trying to hide their laughter. Cameron’s lips twitched and she shook her head. “Don’t say it. I know I’ve fallen for the kid. He’s just too damn cute.”
“And needs a protector.” Shay burst in giggles and held up her hands at the scowl Cameron cast her. “That’s a good thing. You’re a protector at heart. It’s what makes you one of the best enforcers we have.”
Cameron shrugged, but it was true. She was never truly happy unless she was doing everything in her power to protect the Pack. She glanced back in the direction where Keegan had disappeared with Max and drew her brows together as his last words sank in. “Story time?”
Dani and Shay said at the same time, “Yeah.”
Shay finished. “He comes here twice a week to read to the three to six-year-olds.”
“Hmm.” Cameron knew the Alpha spent time with everyone, especially the kids and young adults. But story time? The same ruthless Alpha that wouldn’t hesitate to kick her ass all over the training center read to toddlers?
She started walking before she was aware of where she was headed. The tap tap of Shay’s and Dani’s shoes told her the women had followed her into the building.
“What are you doing? You can’t go in there.” Shay tugged on her arm.
Cameron pulled her arms away and continued across the gym toward the classrooms. “I just want to peek in.”
Dani snickered. “To check on Max.”
Cameron smiled. “Hush it.”
She crept up to the door of the classroom the den mothers used for lessons and apparently story time with the Alpha. Peering through the rectangle glass window, she saw Keegan sitting crossed-legged on the floor surrounded by a dozen or so children patiently waiting for the story to begin. Sitting in the Alpha’s lap, Max watched the other kids with interest. When Keegan settled the book in front of Max to begin reading, the little man, as Keegan had called him, patted the book. His little face lit up.
Dani leaned in and rested her chin on Cameron’s shoulder. “Sammie said she read to him all the time. She said the den mother that brought food also brought books.”
Cameron ground her molars together. They could bring them food and books, but not pick him up? She turned away from the room and headed toward the “adult” section of the nursery. It was a coffee shop set in one corner of the open main play area in the center of the nursery. Tables and chairs were randomly placed about. Cameron sat at a table closest to the exit more out of habit and years of shadowing Blaine and the other enforcers.
Dani went to the counter to place their orders. They were always the same. Cameron had a chi latte and Shay, a hazelnut mocha. Shay sat back in her chair and sighed. Cameron tried to ignore her stare, knowing all too well what was coming. Her BFF knew when something bothered her. And there were two somebodies that bothered her.
To Shay’s credit, she managed to stay quiet until Dani joined them with their drinks. As soon as the Healer sat down, Shay said, “Spill it.”
Cameron peered over at her friends then rolled her eyes. They wouldn’t leave her alone until they knew. “Graham kissed me.”
Shay gasped, and Dani choked on her c
offee. Shay patted Dani on the back and said, “And he’s still alive? Oh, Cameron, you have to share details.”
“There’s nothing to tell. He kissed me, I bit him, and said to back off. That’s it.”
Shay made a tsk sound. “Bullshit. There’s something else you are not saying.”
Cameron stared at Shay and shook her head. “And you’re nosy. Okay, I’ll tell you, but it doesn’t leave this table. And I don’t want to talk about it.”
The two women nodded in agreement, so Cameron told them about Blaine’s confession about liking Graham’s scent on her.
Shay smiled, making Cameron regret saying anything. This would never go away now. “I can’t believe my possessive brother is considering this.”
Cameron growled, “Shay. Not a word.”
Dani fiddled with the sleeve of her coffee cup. “Cam, you know this could be a way to keep Graham in Ashwood, and you would get to keep Max.”
Oh, no she didn’t. “I can’t believe you’re using an innocent child to sway me to take up Blaine’s offer. Besides, I’m not sure I can handle one alpha male, let alone two. I don’t think my jaguar will like it.”
Shay sat back in her chair. Smirk intact. “Have you given her a chance to decide?”
Cameron opened her mouth then closed it. No, she hadn’t let the cat decide. She really hadn’t planned on it.
It’s not fair to shut me out.
Groaning at the jaguar’s thoughts in her mind, Cameron peered out over the children playing various games. How bad would it be to let the animal part of her help her chose their path?
Chapter 5
Blaine materialized with Graham outside a single-story brick home just outside Black Mountain, North Carolina. Usually his teleporting abilities were limited to places he’d been before. Although he had been in Black Mountain before, he hadn’t been to this house. But Graham had lived here for a couple of years. The male had provided enough information about the house and its location that Blaine knew where to teleport to.